(NDI Article) S-761 Phoenix Drugs

Anomaly Class: Solar

Item:  S-761

Threat Level: Blue

Containment Procedures: S-761 is to be kept in a standard containment storage in a secure section of the X-Facility. Only those of Class 2 personnel with security clearance Beta and higher are to have access to S-761. For the duration of an A-9 council member’s service, they are presented with one S-761 tablet. This same procedure will apply to the position of Director.

Description: S-761 is a large glass jar, during the time of discovery, contains one thousand, five hundred and thirty seven orange florescent colored pills. At a glance, ingestion of the pill did not cause any severe side effects or beneficiary usages. That was until at 5/27/20XX when a Class-3 personnel was supposedly terminated during a containment breach. Several minutes after his death, the Class-3’s body combusted into flames that burned for approximately ten seconds, leaving behind a massive lump of ash and soot. Thirty seconds in, what appeared to be Class-3-6511, arose from the ashes, naked, with no memory prior to his death and his supposed resurrection.
The Initiative has determined that S-761 was a benefit to the organization and prompted its use for potential future testing and as a high-priority item to benefit the administrations. However, S-761 does appear to have a limit. Class-3-6511 was tested with the drug again before handling L-[REDACTED]. S-3-6511 was terminated and did not undergo the same procedure when he first took the pill.

Addendum S-761-01:
Three pills were taken from S-761 and were placed in L-545. The procedure was conducted to observe if L-545 could extend its use to other anomalous items like it did with [REDACTED]. However, the duplication machine could not duplicate any of the S-761 pills.

Addendum S-761-02:

Dr. Samuel Hawthorne, head of Initiative’s R&D Division based in Site-XIII, requested six of S-761’s pills for himself and for his duplicated personas. The request was granted. 


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