(NDI Article) The Duplication machine
Anomaly Class:
Item: L-545
Threat Level: Blue
Procedures: NDI personnel with Delta clearances may use L-545 for research
and item duplication. L-545 is to remain in site-27’s R&D section and is to
be guarded by a minimum of two security personnel. NDI personnel are not
allowed to duplicate any living sentient organisms or anomalous entities. Doing
so will result in demotion of any personnel who violates this mandate. Please refer to Document: 545-01 regarding this.
Description: L-545
is a large mechanical manufacturing device weighting about 25.5KG and covering a 20 square meter area. The interior compartment in the main body of the machine is comprised of complex gearing and conveyors in a tight compact environment. L-545
does not require power to operate and lacks any power conduits or battery outlets. The exterior of the body has a dial with respective
numbers ranging from 1-100 that the dial can correlate to. L-545 is also hooked by two large
10mx10mx10m booths. One is designated as input and the other as output.
L-545 has been observed to create multiplied duplication of any objects
or entities sent through the input booth of the machine. It will attempt to multiply the number of items in the input booth based on the number the dial on the machine is set to. Duplication
takes roughly three to five minutes and is only applicable to the number set on
the dial and the number of items in the booth. It cannot duplicate any objects beyond 100. (Attempt's to duplicate a multitude of large objects is not recommended to prevent damage to the machine and any nearby personnel.) An extensive observation
was done to determine how the machine was capable of duplicating objects;
results were negative.
Addendum:A Test
Input: 1 gold ingot bar.
Setting: 50
Output: 50 gold ingot bars.
Setting: 50
Output: 50 gold ingot bars.
Input: 1 barrel with 378.54 liters of oil.
Setting: 10
Output: 10 barrels with 378.52 liters of oil.
Setting: 10
Output: 10 barrels with 378.52 liters of oil.
Input: 1 mug of coffee
Setting: 3
Output: 3 mugs of coffee.
Output: 3 mugs of coffee.
Note: Please do not use L-545 to duplicate your refreshments. If you're out of coffee, wait for the supplier to come in the break room.
Input: 5 steel screws.
Setting: 100
Output: 500 steel screws.
Setting: 100
Output: 500 steel screws.
Input: 1 cellphone and 5 Colt 1911 handgun
Setting: 2
Output: 2 cellphones and 10 Colt 1911 handguns
Setting: 2
Output: 2 cellphones and 10 Colt 1911 handguns
Note: Machine is able to determine the difference between two objects
and the difference between the numbers of objects.
Document: 545-01
Input: Head of R&D division Samuel Hawthorne.(Volunteered for self-testing)
Setting: 5
Output: 5 duplicates of Samuel Hawthorne. Each of the duplicate, including the original Hawthorne, are indistinguishable from one another and all carry the personality and qualities of the original Samuel Hawthorne without any deviation from the original. This has caused quite the confusion among the staff and some incidents revolved around infighting between personnel and duplicates of Samuel Hawthorne. All testing with biological sentient beings are to be suspended to prevent future confusion with duplicated
Setting: 5
Output: 5 duplicates of Samuel Hawthorne. Each of the duplicate, including the original Hawthorne, are indistinguishable from one another and all carry the personality and qualities of the original Samuel Hawthorne without any deviation from the original. This has caused quite the confusion among the staff and some incidents revolved around infighting between personnel and duplicates of Samuel Hawthorne. All testing with biological sentient beings are to be suspended to prevent future confusion with duplicated
Note: Great, now we
got 6 different versions of Samuel Hawthorne and anyone of them could be the
original. I propose we differentiate the six of them with colored tags, with
the original Hawthorne wearing a white one. That way we won’t have any
incidents over what Hawthorne did what or said to someone else. Not that it
wouldn’t make a difference since the guy’s always been a bit of a hardass. It wasn't too difficult determine who the original Hawthorne is. He was the only one to go into, and out of the Input booth while the others claim they exited the Output booth.
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