(blog) The media, government, narrative, division and the stigmatization of the American populace

     Cody Franklin of Alternatehistoryhub once did a piece describing how the American media fuels a cycle of violence. A particular pattern that has been fueled by news media outlets acting as both a source of information, and a piece of entertainment that capitalizes off of the tragedies that have affected us in recent years. And it is only getting worse.

But this issue has since, been expanded into multiple different areas. There are a lot of ground to cover in this piece so I am going to highlight a few of these points. Some of which has already been done by Cody in the video. Violence sells, debate sells, controversy sells, and much more. I've wanted to make this for a while now and I figured

1. Stigmatization, ostracism, and anger.
2. The power of suggestion and influence.
3. Creating hatred.
4. Failure of the establishments and government.

The first point we will cover over is in regards to how far people will push others into conformity, and reject those who they perceive as outsiders.
It is not uncommon for social cliques to form. Both in our early years of childhood, leading up to adulthood. Big or small, we form groups based on particular interests the group regards. For the most part, it is usually just a social circle. Though it can chalk up to one's perceived social status regardless of their economical background. Who people aspire to become, what people see as an antithesis to their idea and aspirations, and how they react to it.
As far back as Columbine, which is where our analysis begins, takes into account  Eric Harris and Bylan Klebold. A tragedy in the making months before that fateful day. And they weren't the only victims. But they became the catalyst for the massacre that took place.
Students fearful of walking by tables where they didn't belong, claimed by social groups who'll react with aggression in response. Mocking and degrading those with physical and social issues. Certain groups given preferential treatment over others and teachers refusing to take action.

The tragedy was fueled by anger, hatred, and malice over the rejection. Those perceived as authority, no longer mattered to their worries. As the failure to address these issues became an important issue that is quite common even today. And not just with high school students.
It took one tormented individual, Eric Harris, a psychopath, to influence another, a severely depressed and suicidal Dylan, to enact their day of retribution.
And it is because of this, tragedy is becoming profitable. Fear begins to sell. Ideas are formed from debates these issues. Copycats turn up; many which, done by equally damaged individuals, fueled by these shootings the news created. Social ostracism grows.

And there is no limit to who is affected and how far it spreads. Larger groups of people are forming. Large groups of cliques based on political ideologies. Many of which are fueled, advertised, accepted by mainstream media. Regardless of your political stance; left wing, right wing, whatever,  doesn't take away the idea that the groups pressure one into conformity. And conformity can often lead to radicalization of a political ideology. For the mentally ill, they develop a dependency.
Any other factors are regarded as enemy of the group, of the idea, of the political role that each claim is 'better than the other.' It has gotten to the point where one will target another's social ineptitude, their behaviors, their mental states, and their social positions.
Incel, NPC, Boomer, basic, brainlet, nazi, communist, and many more; even seemingly normal words are used to insult another; liberal, conservative. We're even dividing ourselves on the basis of our ethnicity.
This divide is growing and it's only getting worse to the point where violence has become the norm. From protest rallies to simple mass shootings; all influenced by political and social drives. And we've the social media and the news outlet to thank for that.

Ever wondered how powerful suggestion and influence is? Ever wondered how a simple human being develops a charismatic personality to draw others in a cult centered around himself or another? How can seemingly small and purposeless folks, and lost, act with such feverish loyalties to a cause or a figure? We are fortunate not to have another disturbing figure like Charles Manson. But that's not what we are here to talk about.

When people talk about racial, social and political divide; people tend to think of the 2016 elections, and that Trump is responsible for the growing social and ethnic divide. He's a symptom; not the cause. I will cover more on this in point 3.
The media is an interesting tool that helps shape the ideas and beliefs in people. Or they can help reinforce the beliefs that are already there. For the past decade we've seen this trend growing. Social media, being the greatest offender in this regard, as mainstream media is.
With enough motivation, charisma, and an awe inspiring presence, anyone could reinforce ideas if one were to integrate themselves into the medium they claim to represent. Corporate, political, philosophical, entertainment or otherwise, the public are influenced by what they see in the media.

It is how mentally ill individuals find influential public figures and latch onto them and their ideals. Because they feel they are mostly represented by the issues they feel folks like Trump expressed. And they take that idea, and they run with it. Then the tragedy strikes. Then the news comes out. And all people can say is what could have been done.
Debates boil down to gun control, or their political stance, their ethnic views and what political party they represent. Whether or not they represent white nationalism or whatnot. The media picks apart what are heated topic of debates, powerful notions of issues plaguing the American populace of today's age and capitalizing off of it.
And people are not stepping in to stop it.

Hatred has a multitude of factors that play into the behaviors we see now. How damaged individuals turn their pain into anger at whom they perceive as the perpetrators. Its how actual racists turn lost individuals and push them on the same path as them in their attempts to gain followers for a cause they've clearly integrated themselves in, on the falsehood of being frustrated concerned individuals.

SJWs have been a slang term to describe sociopaths individuals willing to ruin the lives of others through the use of social media because they are an enemy to the progressive ideas they claim to represent. They behave in the opposite manner of which they claim to be against. They're the loudest voice, and that's the voice news, blogs, and social media can use to profit off of. Clear case of double standards were seen from self-loathing individuals expressing racist and hate filled remarks against Caucasians and those they claim to be of Caucasian descent. Who should be with who, who should wear what, what white people aren't allowed to do.

Years back, this went unchecked. It wasn't until the GamerGate Fiasco that resentment against corporate figures and libertarians fighting for social justice begin to stir. The videogame medium was reaching a turning point where it wasn't just the games itself turning into political or social issues, but the industry itself, and the people who claim to represent them. This resentment grew for years.

After GamerGate, more issues took place and eventually, the resentment turned to the afflicted feeling pride in their ethnic background. They develop more conservative view stances and express frustration, anger, and hatred against those they perceived to be prejudiced and in turn, become prejudiced themselves against their gender, color, political background. The 2016 elections was the catalyst of it all.

What boils down to these issues is how the government and corporations handled these issues. Warning signs left unchecked. Mentally damaged individuals not being pressured into the help they absolutely need. Trivializing, stigmatizing and generalizing issues into simplistic, basic, social problems that would not have existed in the first place if not for the news medium. They've a habit of unleashing articles that read more like blog pieces rather than actual news.
They create narratives based on the prospect of political background now, more than ever, rather than actual issues that would have required more attention.
They've created larger cliques among social groups, political parties, and ethnic individuals. People of political backgrounds are excluded from certain social attractions and gatherings. The same can be said for the entertainment industries, universities, and much more.

Violence is created, above all else. The threat of violence just as well. The bomb scare, the Thousand Oaks shooting,the Synagogue shooting; the cycle is growing faster and faster. Donald Trump, the American Government, the left and right wing media, are responsible for the divide they have created, and perpetuated. Everyone is quick to put the blame and responsibility on others, rather than make up for the madness they've stirred.


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