(NDI) Narrative

Anomaly Class: Lunar

Item: L-111

Threat Level: Red

Containment Procedures:  Broadcasts of L-111 are to be intercepted and blocked from public viewing. Future broadcasts are to be traced and contained for Initiative research and purposes. On a side note; as of 10/11/XXXX, L-111 has been bumped up to Threat Level Red.

Description:  Is a cognitive hazardous anomalous phenomenon that replaces a majority of public media news networks. L-111 cannot be traced to its source, nor does any record of the news station and the people representing it exists. L-111 activates when there is a major public issue and documents the events across the country. The same goes for international news. (It is unclear if L-111 has a limit to its effects. And the Initiative is not keen on pursuing that idea.)

An instance of L-111 will often appear whenever an incident occurs. This instance is referred to L-111-01. Its appearance will vary depending on location. Characteristics such as ethnicity, nationality, gender will appropriate onto the anomalous instance, as well as whatever language they possess to familiarize the viewers. When questioned by those in the area L-111-01 was reporting in, none claim to see any such individual as seen on the news.

L-111’s pattern is to spin the narrative it provides to cause civil unrest among the populace. Most of these patterns are aimed to incite a reaction among violent groups of individuals that are easily swayed. Many of those affected by L-111 claim that the news provided evidence and information, also asserting blame and responsibility on those based on differentiating ethnic backgrounds. Those feeling the compulsion to cause unrest or even riot will report such feelings after viewing this particular news piece. Sometimes L-111 will report of matters concerning government, corporate and international events. Including but not limited to Extra-terrestrial involvement, paranormal/supernatural experimentation and/or religious occurrences. 

Addendum L-111-01:

As of 10/11/XXXX, the New Dawn Initiative suffered from a temporary security breach sometime after Initiatives enacted Protocol O-1, which would block L-111’s broadcast from public viewing. L-111 revealed sensitive information on Initiative technology, facilities, administrative leaders and The Director.  Cognitive memory wipes were administered across all channels of public media. This incident costed several hundred million dollars and initiated the ‘Shadow’ directive. For several months the Initiative laid under the radar before resuming operations.

Note from Dr. Apth:
If liberal media wasn’t bad enough, imagine what kind of damage this anomaly can do. I am not sure how L-111 could had attained information about us. And it is not like there are Tinfoil hat conspiracists who are aware of the NDI’s existence. No matter how actually intelligent they are, NDI has a system that can’t be cracked. We practically don’t even exist to the public. I suggest an investigation be put underway. As such, our operations, everything we know, everything we do, everything we have in containment is at risk of public exposure. Including other cognitive anomalies that could put others at risk. 


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