
Showing posts from June, 2018

(blog) updates

Hello again faithful readers! Just letting you know that I'm working on a couple new projects. It's been a week, or rather two weeks now since Despair has released. I never expected to hit it hard and hit it far overnight but I am glad enough to be getting something as opposed to nothing. That being said, I'm splitting up my personal and professional projects. So expect more short stories and flash fiction articles from me in the future. I especially like get back to doing NDI stories. Atop of an introductory piece that will be the first in the universe of the supernatural sci-fi horror series. This will also include several retcons of established supplementary reading material. I want to diverge as far from SCP Foundation as I can. So things like 'Orientation Sheet' and Harrowing will undergo significant changes. Also expect more critical pieces and analysis writings in the future. Peace~!

(Blog) Kowloon is out on Kindle!

Hello folks! Looks like thing's are turning my way for once. To celebrate the occasion of my return, I figured it was high time I made another blog post about the news. Guess I didn't have to wait 72 hours for that. Anyways! Come check out  Despair: Shadows Under Kowloon. (Hell, even pirate it to your hearts content.) Criticism is greatly appreciate! And again, expect more content in the future.

(Blog)From the Grave

Hello readers! It has been quite a long time hasn't it? I think I've last been here was around... September or November since I've last paid a visit to this blog. Well good news for you guys! I am back. I feel as though I owe you all an explanation as to why I popped off with the promise of Kowloon being published  almost more than six months ago. To tell you the truth, I have no excuse really. I've just been stressed, I've slacked off on my passion, and I hit a few scrapes and burns during my last two semesters.  There were also computer issues but that is beside the point I am trying to make really. The point is, I had to get myself back together and shape up to make sure I will return with promises that I have failed to keep up, and actually deliver on them. So with that being said, Kowloon is currently under review in Amazon and hopefully, in 72 hours, it will be available for the store page. If not, then I will find a means to distribute the book through a ...